40代男性囚人がダブリンにある クローバーヒル刑務所で死亡 捜査はガルダイが進行中です 40s male prisoner dies at Cloverhill Prison in Dublin, investigation ongoing by Gardaí.
40代 男性囚人が ダブリン クローバーヒル刑務所で 午前5時半ごろの事件で死亡しました A male prisoner in his 40s died at Cloverhill Prison in Dublin following an incident around 5:30 AM. 治療を受けたにもかかわらず,彼はすぐに死亡と宣言されました. Despite receiving medical treatment, he was pronounced dead shortly after. ガルダイは状況を調査しており、上級捜査官が調査を主導し、故人の家族に割り当てられた家族連絡官がいます。 The Gardaí are investigating the circumstances, with a Senior Investigating Officer leading the inquiry and a Family Liaison Officer assigned to the deceased’s family. 現場は法医検査のために保存され, 詳細は予期しています. The scene has been preserved for forensic examination, and further updates are anticipated.