ナイジェリア税関がラゴスの群衆事故犠牲者の家族を2度目の訪問。 Nigeria Customs Service visits stampede victim's family in Lagos for the second time.
ナイジェリア税関(NCS)はラゴスの群衆事故犠牲者の家族を訪問し、彼らの安否確認を行うのは2度目となった。 Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) visited the family of a stampede victim in Lagos, marking the second time they've checked on their welfare. 2月には、救済米の配布中に群衆の暴走が起こり、4家族が被害に遭った。 In February, a stampede occurred during the distribution of palliative rice, resulting in four families being affected. ハミ・スウォメン会計監査官補佐が率いるNCS代表団は、ワレ・アデニイ税関会計監査官に代わって遺族に哀悼の意を表した。 The NCS delegation, led by Assistant Controller-General Hammi Swomen, commiserated with the family on behalf of Customs Comptroller General, Mr Wale Adeniyi.