ハルでの兄の葬儀後、69歳の年金受給者が2人の女性に強盗される。加害者は認めている。 69-year-old pensioner robbed by two women after his brother's funeral in Hull; assailant admits.
69歳の年金受給者がハルでの兄の葬儀から帰宅途中、2人の女性に強盗に遭った。 A 69-year-old pensioner was robbed by two women as he walked home from his brother's funeral in Hull. 飲酒していた被害者は、襲撃者らに押し倒され、携帯電話、財布、現金を盗まれた後、「放心状態でショックを受けた」という。 The victim, who had been drinking, was left "dazed and shocked" after the attackers knocked him down and stole his phone, wallet, and cash. ケイティ・テイラーさん(37)は、家族や友人らと追悼の意を表し、感動的な追悼の一日を過ごした後、強盗事件が起きたことを認めた。 Katie Taylor, 37, admitted to the robbery, which occurred after a day of mourning and emotional remembrance with family and friends.