イーストサイドの住宅で住居侵入容疑で侵入者が顔に発砲。 Intruder shot in the face during alleged home invasion at East Side home.
イーストサイドの住宅で住居侵入容疑で男性が顔を撃たれ重体。 A man is in critical condition after being shot in the face during an alleged home invasion at an East Side home. 銃撃事件は水曜午前2時ごろ、アッカーマン・ロード近くのインディアン・フォレスト沖の住宅で発生した。 The shooting occurred around 2 a.m. Wednesday at a home off Indian Forest near Ackerman Road. 侵入者とみられる男性は侵入後、家の中で何者かに射殺され、口論が続いた。 The suspected intruder was shot by someone inside the home after gaining entry and an argument ensued. 侵入者は瀕死の重傷を負って病院に搬送され、射殺容疑者は拘留された。 The intruder was rushed to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, while the suspected shooter was taken into custody.