アテネのギリシャの海運会社で銃撃、4人死亡。 Shooting at Greek shipping firm in Athens leaves four dead.
月曜日、アテネのギリシャの海運会社で銃撃事件が発生し、会社経営者と銃撃犯とみられる人物を含む4人が死亡した。 A shooting incident occurred at a Greek shipping company in Athens on Monday, resulting in four deaths including the owner of the company and the suspected gunman. 元従業員の犯人は建物に侵入し発砲し、自ら命を絶った。 The gunman, a former employee, entered the building and opened fire before taking his own life. 銃撃の動機は不明だが、犯人は不満を抱いた元従業員だったと考えられている。 The motive for the shooting remains unclear, but the perpetrator is believed to have been a disgruntled former employee. 救急隊と対テロ部隊が現場に出動し、建物の周囲は封鎖された。 Emergency services and anti-terrorism forces were on the scene, and the area around the building was cordoned off.