ブリスベンでのカーチェイスの後、警察官がナイフで切りつけた。 Police officers slashed by knife after car chase through Brisbane.
オーストラリアのブリスベン郊外イプスウィッチで警察の追跡と逮捕中に警察官2人が負傷し、1人は重傷を負った。 Two police officers were injured, one seriously, during a police chase and arrest in Ipswich, a suburb of Brisbane, Australia. この事件は、警察官が警察のヘリコプターとタイヤ空気抜き装置を使用して車両を停止させながら、ブリスベン郊外のいくつかで車を追跡中に発生した。 The incident occurred as police officers tracked a car through several Brisbane suburbs, using a police helicopter and tire deflation devices to stop the vehicle. 車に近づくと乗客がナイフを持って現れ、上級巡査を切りつけて重傷を負わせたという。 Upon approaching the car, a passenger allegedly emerged with a knife and slashed a senior constable, causing a serious injury. 運転手と同乗者は逮捕への抵抗、危険運転、警察の逃走、複数の窃盗と無免許運転の罪で拘留された。 The driver and a passenger were taken into custody, facing charges for resisting arrest, dangerous driving, evading police, and multiple counts of theft and unlicensed driving.