高校銃乱射事件後、生徒たちを擁護したアイオワ州の校長が亡くなった。 Following a high school shooting, the Iowa principal who defended the students has passed away.
1月4日の学校銃乱射事件で重傷を負ったペリー高校校長ダン・マーバーガー氏が死去した。 Perry High School Principal Dan Marburger, who was critically injured during a school shooting on January 4, has passed away. マールブルガーさんも犠牲者の中に含まれており、その中には職員3名と学生4名が17歳の学生銃撃により負傷した。 Marburger was among the victims, which included three staff members and four students, injured by a 17-year-old student shooter. キム・レイノルズ知事が死去を発表し、アイオワ州の旗を半旗に下げるよう命じられた。 Governor Kim Reynolds announced his death, and flags in Iowa have been ordered to be lowered to half-staff. ペリーコミュニティ学区はダン・マーバーガー校長の遺族に深い哀悼の意を表し、マーバーガー校長は30年近く献身的で思いやりのある同僚だったと述べ、彼の死に深い哀悼の意を表した。 The Perry Community School District has expressed deep condolences to Principal Dan Marburger's family, expressing their deepest sympathy for his death, stating that Marburger was a devoted and caring colleague for nearly three decades.