ニュージーランドでマケトゥビーチで男性が死亡し,死因は調査中です. A man was found dead on Maketu Beach in New Zealand, with the cause of death under investigation.
ニュージランド・ベイ・オブ・プラントの マケトゥビーチで 男が死体で発見されたのは 今日午後4時頃です A man was found dead on Maketu Beach in New Zealand's Bay of Plenty around 4 pm today. 救急隊は 沖に流された無意識の男性に 警報を打つが 救助は失敗した Emergency services were alerted to an unresponsive male who had washed ashore, but their efforts to revive him were unsuccessful. 警察は事件を確認し 死因は検視官が捜査中です The police confirmed the incident and the cause of death is under investigation by the coroner.