酔っ払いのドライバーがミシガン州警察の車にぶつかり,負傷と交通の主要なバックアップが生じた. Drunk driver crashes into Michigan State trooper's car, causing injuries and major traffic backup.
2025年1月29日閲覧. ^ 飲酒運転者がミシガン州警察の車両に衝突,ミシガン州サギノー付近のI-75の車両に衝突,トルーパーが小事故を調査していた. On January 29, 2025, a drunk driver crashed into a Michigan State Police patrol car on I-75 near Saginaw, Michigan, while the trooper was investigating a minor crash. 警官がパトロール車から外で 軽傷を負った The trooper, who was outside the patrol car, sustained minor injuries while jumping out of the way. 酔っぱらった車の運転手は 酔っぱらった状態で運転した疑いで逮捕されました The driver of the intoxicated vehicle was arrested for suspected operating while intoxicated. 墜落事故で5マイルの交通支援が発生し,午前9時30分までに復旧した. 負傷者はみな地方病院に搬送され,復興が予想されている. The crash caused a 5-mile traffic backup, which cleared by 9:30 a.m. All injured parties were taken to a local hospital and are expected to recover.