SCOとCSTOの観測団は,選挙法への遵守と,ベラルーシの大統領選挙への高い投票率を指摘している. SCO and CSTO observer missions note compliance with electoral laws and high turnout in Belarus's presidential election.
上海協力機構(SCO)及び集英安全保障条約機構(CSTO)は,ベラルーシ大統領選挙を監視するため,監視委員会を派遣し,選挙法に従事し,早期投票の際に違反をなくした. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) have sent observer missions to monitor Belarus's presidential election, noting compliance with electoral laws and no violations during early voting. 7カ国から17人の傍聴者を含んだSCOミッションは,特に若手投票者の間では,急上昇を観測し,早期投票への参加率は41.81%である. The SCO mission, which includes 17 observers from seven countries, has observed high turnout, especially among younger voters, with 41.81% participating in early voting. CSTOミッションは、ビクトリア・アブラセンコ率いる。 また、前向きな雰囲気と選挙法の遵守も報告している。 The CSTO mission, led by Viktoria Abramchenko, has also reported a positive atmosphere and adherence to electoral legislation.