UAEは,月額税の期限を欠く企業に対し,毎月14%の罰金を課する. The UAE imposes a 14% monthly penalty on corporations that miss their monthly tax deadline.
UAEの連邦税庁 (FATA)は,毎月企業税の支払期限を欠いた企業は,期限の翌日から月額14%の罰金に処する,と発表した. The UAE's Federal Tax Authority (FTA) announced that corporations missing their monthly corporate tax deadline will face a 14% monthly penalty on the unpaid amount, starting the day after the deadline. 税金は,税務年度の終わりから9ヶ月以内に支払わなければならない. The tax must be paid within nine months of the end of the relevant tax period, according to Federal Decree-Law No. 2022年47. 47 of 2022.