北朝鮮はパク・サ・ソングを新首相に任命し,経済成長と労働党への忠誠を誓いました. North Korea names Pak Thae Song as new Premier, pledging economic growth and loyalty to the Workers' Party.
北朝鮮の最高議会(最高人民議会)はピョンヤンで会議を開催し,そこで内閣の報告書を承認し,新たな議会としてパカ・セ・ソングに宣誓した. North Korea's top legislature, the Supreme People's Assembly, held a session in Pyongyang where it approved a Cabinet report and swore in Pak Thae Song as the new Premier. Pakは過去の経済成功と課題の概要をまとめ,経済成長の目標と生活水準の向上を図り,朝鮮労働党及びその政策への忠誠を誓う. Pak outlined past economic successes and challenges and set goals for economic growth and improved living standards, pledging loyalty to the Workers' Party of Korea and its policies.