韓国の与党は,政府を安定させるための協議機関の要請を拒絶する. South Korea's ruling party rejects opposition call for a consultative body to stabilize government.
韓国の与党人民権力党は,国家情勢を安定させる協議機関を設立する反対民主党の提案を却下した. South Korea's ruling People Power Party has rejected the opposition Democratic Party's proposal to create a consultative body to stabilize state affairs. この案は,近年政府活動から生じた問題の次に掲げるものであった. The proposal was made following issues arising from recent government actions. 政権の党首クウェン・ソング・ドンは,現職大統領が任命され,政府は彼らの支配下にあるため,そのような組織を計画していないと述べた. The ruling party's floor leader, Kweon Seong-dong, stated they have no plans for such a body, as the acting president has been appointed and the government remains under their control.