テスラはカナダで価格を上げ,モデル3は最大で9000CADまで上昇した.Tesla raises prices in Canada, with the Model 3 seeing the largest hike of up to CAD 9,000.
2月1日からカナダの自動車モデルの価格が上昇する.Tesla will increase prices for all its car models in Canada starting February 1.モデル3は最大で最大で 9,000 CADまで値上げされ,モデルY,モデルS,モデルXはそれぞれ 4,000 CADまで値上げされる.The Model 3 will see the biggest price hike of up to CAD 9,000, while the Model Y, Model S, and Model X will have their prices increased by up to CAD 4,000 each.