9ヶ月のアラベラは 家族の犬に襲われ ICUに収容され 犬は安楽死しました Nine-month-old Arabella was attacked by the family dog, leading to her ICU stay and the dog's euthanasia.
9ヶ月のアラベラは12月11日にケント州フォークストーンで,家族のXLブリー犬ハンターに重傷を負った. Nine-month-old Arabella was severely injured by her family's XL Bully dog, Hunter, in Folkestone, Kent, on December 11. 王立大学病院のICUで治療を受け,手術も不要で3週間で退院した. She was treated in the ICU at King's College Hospital and discharged after three weeks without needing surgery. ハンターは安静化され、二人が、危険な管理不能な犬を飼っているとして逮捕された。 Hunter was euthanized, and two people were arrested for having a dangerously out-of-control dog. 1年前に同様の攻撃を受けた後,警察は犬の破壊を要請していたが,所有者はこれを拒んだ. Police had previously asked for the dog's destruction after a similar attack a year prior, which the owner refused.