IMOはエジプトで新たな事務所を開設し,その地域における安全性と持続力を高める. IMO opens new office in Egypt to boost maritime safety and sustainability in the region.
国際海事機関 (IMO) は,エジプトのアレキサンドリアに新しい事務所を開設し,中東と北アフリカ諸国に対し,海上の安全,安全,環境問題について支援しています. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has opened a new office in Alexandria, Egypt, to assist Middle East and North African countries with maritime safety, security, and environmental issues. (RPO)は,スエズ 運河などの重要な貿易経路を含む地域における協力と技術的支援の強化を目指す. This Regional Presence Office (RPO) aims to enhance cooperation and technical support in the region, which includes critical trade routes like the Suez Canal. この打ち上げはエジプトとITOの高官が出席し,行政の改善と持続の重要性を強調した. The launch was attended by high-ranking officials from Egypt and the IMO, highlighting the importance of improved maritime governance and sustainability.