スタインバッハ二等学校は爆弾の脅迫で避難し,16歳の少年は関心を持つ人物である. Steinbach Secondary School evacuated over a bomb threat; a 16-year-old is a person of interest.
1月14日,スタインバック地区中学校は爆弾の脅威により避難しました. On January 14, Steinbach Regional Secondary School was evacuated due to a bomb threat. RCMP及び消防隊を含む当局が対応し,学校は不審事項が見付からず,明示的に認定された. Authorities including the RCMP and fire crews responded, and the school was declared clear with no suspicious items found. 16歳の男性が容疑者と確認されました A 16-year-old male has been identified as a possible suspect. クラスはオールクリア後に再開したが,親に拾われた生徒はその日のために免除された. Classes resumed after the all-clear, though students picked up by parents were excused for the day. 調査は継続しており,公衆の安全を危うくするものはない. The investigation is ongoing, with no current threat to public safety.