オハイオのハミルトン高校は,最初の日に爆弾の脅威があったため,生徒を早めに解雇した. Hamilton High School in Ohio dismissed students early due to a bomb threat on the first day.
オハイオのハミルトン高校は,爆弾の脅威のために,最初の日に早く生徒を解雇した. Hamilton High School in Ohio dismissed students early on the first day due to a bomb threat. 学校は脅迫電話を 複数受けたため 避難と警察の掃討を 促した The school received multiple threatening calls, prompting evacuation and a police sweep. 放課後プログラムが中止され,生徒はバスで帰り,または親が迎えに行くよう勧められた. After-school programs were canceled, and students were urged to take buses home or be picked up by parents. 警察の捜索が完了したら 持ち物は回収できる Belongings can be retrieved once the police search is complete. 脅迫は学校初日に発生し 段階的に始まる人もいます The threat occurred on the first day of school for some, with a phased start for others.