メーン州出身の3歳の少年が行方不明になった後,雪の中で死亡したのを見つけた。 Three-year-old boy from Maine found dead in snow after going missing; cause under investigation.
メーン州コリンナ出身の3歳の少年が自宅から行方不明になって日曜日に雪の中で死亡したのが発見された. A 3-year-old boy from Corinna, Maine, was found dead in the snow on Sunday after going missing from his home. 父親が傷を負った傷で発見,少年の死はメイン州警察その他の機関により調査されている. Found by his father with injuries suggesting exposure, the boy's death is being investigated by the Maine State Police and other agencies. 検死で死因は特定されるが,公共の安全上の懸念が広がらず,単独事件とみなされる. An autopsy will determine the exact cause of death, but it appears to be an isolated incident with no broader public safety concerns.