5歳の少年が ワシントンD.C.の北西で 死体で発見された 5-year-old boy found dead in Northwest Washington, D.C.; Metropolitan Police investigating.
5歳の少年が 死亡しました ワシントンD.C.の北西部で 日曜日の朝 コネチカット大道4500ブロックで A 5-year-old boy was found dead in Northwest Washington, D.C., on Sunday morning in the 4500 block of Connecticut Avenue. 事件は警察署が捜査中だが 死因は明らかにされていない The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the incident, but the cause of death has not been disclosed. 捜査は進行中です 詳細は警察の捜査に伴います The investigation is ongoing, and further details are expected as the police continue their inquiries.