ニュージーランド の ワンガマタ で,車 が 一棟 の 建物 に 衝突 し て 2 人 が 重傷 を 負わ れ まし た. Two people were seriously injured after a vehicle crashed into a building in Whangamatā, New Zealand.
午前6時半ごろ,コーロマンデル半島にあるワンガマタにあるビルに車両が衝突した事故で2人が重傷を負った. Two people were seriously injured when a vehicle crashed into a building in Whangamatā, Coromandel Peninsula, at about 6:30 AM on Port Rd. ワンガマタ消防局と緊急NZの2人の乗組員を含む緊急サービスが現場に駆けつけ,乗員たちを救出しました. Emergency services, including two crews from Whangamatā Fire and Emergency NZ, responded to the scene and extricated the occupants. 2人は重症で ワイカト病院に運ばれた Both individuals were airlifted to Waikato Hospital in critical and serious conditions.