インドの医学生は,大学院の宿舎で同級生をレイプしたという容疑で逮捕された. A medical student in India was arrested for allegedly raping a fellow student at their college's hostel.
インドのグワリオールにあるMBBSの学生は,医療大学時代の旧宿舎で女性試用員をレイプしたという容疑で逮捕された. An MBBS student in Gwalior, India, was arrested for allegedly raping a female batchmate at their medical college's old hostel building. この事件を警察に通報し,警察は関連した強姦法でFIRを登録した. The victim reported the incident to the police, who registered an FIR under relevant rape laws. 調査は継続しており,現在この事件の現場は建設工事のために解体されている. The investigation is ongoing, and the site of the incident is currently being dismantled for construction.