韓国沖で漁船が転覆して3人が死亡し,沿岸警備隊が19人を救出しました. Three died as a fishing boat capsized off South Korea, with 19 rescued by the coast guard.
漁船が土曜日の朝,ガゲオ島近くの韓国南西海岸で転覆し,22人の乗客を乗せた事故で3人が死亡しました. Three people died when a fishing boat carrying 22 passengers capsized off the southwest coast of South Korea near Gageo Island after hitting rocks on Saturday morning. 朝鮮の沿岸警備隊は他の19人の乗客を救出した. The Korea Coast Guard rescued the other 19 passengers. 船長は,職業上の過失で起訴され,この事件に関する調査が進行中である. The captain may face charges of professional negligence, and an investigation into the incident is underway.