マレーシアの警察は,事務上の問題によりNajib Razakの集会を却下し,警備を実施した. Police in Malaysia reject rally for Najib Razak due to paperwork issues; security deployed.
マレーシアのプトラジャヤの警察は,前首相ナジブ・ラザク氏の書類が不完全なため,連帯集会の申請を却下した. The police in Putrajaya, Malaysia, rejected an application for a solidarity rally in support of former Prime Minister Najib Razak due to incomplete documentation. 1月6日に予定されていたこの集会は、ナジブの控訴裁判所の審理で支持を示すことを意図していた。 The rally, planned for January 6th, was meant to show support during Najib's Court of Appeal hearing. 却下にもかかわらず,野党員の何人かは引き続き集結を計画しており,456人の警察官が警備のために派遣される. Despite the rejection, some opposition members still plan to assemble, and 456 police officers will be deployed for security.