西ベンガルの政治家Dulal Sarkarは,CMMM Momta Banerjeeの近くで,バイクで武装集団に殺された. West Bengal politician Dulal Sarkar, close to CM Mamata Banerjee, was killed by gunmen on motorcycles.
Trinamool国会議長のDulal Sarkarは,西ベンガル州マルダで,バイクで身元不明の狙撃手によって射殺された. Trinamool Congress leader Dulal Sarkar, known as Babla Sarkar, was shot dead in Malda, West Bengal, by unidentified gunmen on motorcycles. ママタ・バネルジー首相の側近であるサルカールは、彼に向けて発射された4発の弾丸のうち3発に命中した。 Sarkar, a close associate of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, was hit by three of the four bullets fired at him. Banerjeeはこの攻撃を非難し,TMC指導者のAbishhek Banerjeeが行ったように迅速な調査を求めた. Banerjee condemned the attack and urged for a swift investigation, as did TMC leader Abhishek Banerjee. 警察は計画殺人を捜査してる 動機はまだ不明だ Police are investigating the premeditated murder, with no motive yet identified.