ライアン・ゲードは 父親が何度も射殺された後 逮捕されました Ryan Goad was arrested after his father was found shot multiple times, in critical condition.
ウィスコンシン州トマー出身の46歳の男性ライアン・ゲードは80歳の父親ロバート・ゲードを何度も射殺したとされるため,逮捕された. Ryan Goad, a 46-year-old man from Tomah, Wisconsin, was arrested after allegedly shooting his 80-year-old father, Robert Goad, multiple times. 被害者の頭部と肩に銃創が発見され 地元の病院で重症です The victim was found with gunshot wounds to his head and shoulder and is in critical condition at a local hospital. ライアンが脅迫の発言をした後 警察は警告を受け 福祉調査に至りました Police were alerted after Ryan made threatening comments, leading to a welfare check. 子供 たち は 無事 に 見つかり , ライアン は 何 の 問題 も なく 逮捕 さ れ まし た。 The children were found safe, and Ryan was arrested without incident. 彼は第一級殺人未遂と過度のバッテリーを含む容疑に直面している. He faces charges including attempted first-degree intentional homicide and aggravated battery. 捜査は進行中です。 The investigation is ongoing.