ペンシルベニア州のある父親は,3歳の息子が銃の事故で死亡した後,過失致死罪の主張をした. A father in Pennsylvania pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter after his 3-year-old son died from a gun accident.
ペンシルベニア州アレンタウンの父親は 3歳の息子が 銃で自殺したことで 不意に殺人を犯し 子供を危険にさらした罪に 罪を認めた A father in Allentown, Pennsylvania, has pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment after his 3-year-old son accidentally shot himself with a gun left unattended. 2024年3月28日閲覧. ^ 父親は懲役18ヶ月から30ヶ月の懲役の最低刑に処する. The incident occurred on March 28, 2024, and the father faces a minimum sentence of 18 to 30 months in prison. この事件は複数の機関によって調査され,2025年2月に判決を受ける. The case was investigated by multiple agencies and will be sentenced in February 2025.