リボニアの家族は二重の悲劇に耐えながらも 祖父は氷の落下で重傷を負い 翌日妻は自動車事故で死亡する. Livonia family endures dual tragedies: grandfather critically injured in ice fall, wife dies in car crash the next day.
リボニアの家族が 悲劇に遭遇した A Livonia family faced back-to-back tragedies. 木曜日,66歳の男性と15歳の孫が釣り中に氷に落ちたが,祖父は重症で入院した. On Thursday, a 66-year-old man and his 15-year-old grandson fell through ice while fishing; the grandfather was hospitalized in critical condition. 翌日,その男性の66歳の妻が車を取りに行く途中に交通事故で死亡した. The next day, the man's 66-year-old wife died in a car crash while heading to retrieve his vehicle. 19歳の運転士が中央線を渡って彼女の車に頭を打った. A 19-year-old driver crossed the center line, hitting her car head-on. 保安官はこれを"言葉にできない悲劇"と表現した. The sheriff described it as an "unspeakable tragedy."