アーカンソー州で I-40で 銃撃事件で 17歳の少年が死亡 他2人が負傷 Shooting on I-40 in Arkansas leaves 17-year-old dead, two others injured.
アークランソー州ノース・リトルロックで 銃撃事件が起きた 土曜日の朝 少年が死亡 2人が負傷 A shooting on Interstate 40 in North Little Rock, Arkansas, early Saturday morning killed a 17-year-old and injured two others. 午前3時45分頃,20歳の運転手が被害者をアーカンソー児童病院へ搬送した. At around 3:45 a.m., a 20-year-old driver transported the victims to Arkansas Children's Hospital. ある17歳の少年は、複数の銃創から死亡し,一方,18歳と17歳の子も射殺され,後者は治療を受け,釈放され,18歳の少年は入院したままである. One 17-year-old died from multiple gunshot wounds, while an 18-year-old and another 17-year-old were also shot; the latter was treated and released, and the 18-year-old remains hospitalized. 捜査は進行中です。 The investigation is ongoing.