RCMPはカナダのエアドリーで2人の若者を含む3人が刺され,容疑者を逮捕した。 RCMP arrested a suspect after three people, including two youths, were stabbed in Airdrie, Canada.
2人の若者を含む3人がウィリアムズタウンの近くで刺され、 RCMPがエアドリーで容疑者を逮捕した。 RCMP arrested a suspect in Airdrie after three people, including two youths, were stabbed near Williamstown. 患者は重症だが安定状態で2人入院し,一人は命にかかわらない傷を負った. Victims were hospitalized with two in serious but stable condition and one with non-life-threatening injuries. 警察はヘリを使って 容疑者の身元を特定し 複数の容疑に直面した Police used a helicopter to locate and arrest the suspect, who faces multiple charges. この 事件 は , 公衆 の 安全 を 脅かす 危険 が ない , 孤立 し た 状態 に ある と 言わ れ て い ます。 The incident is described as isolated with no ongoing public safety risk.