ウィニペグ警察は3件の刺傷事件を捜査している。 Winnipeg police investigate three stabbings; two arrested, one suspect still at large.
ウィニペグ警察は,金曜の夜,市北端で発生した3つの別の刺殺事件を調査しており,その結果,複数の負傷が生じた. Winnipeg police are investigating three separate stabbings that occurred on Friday night in the city's North End, resulting in multiple injuries. 容疑者は2人逮捕 3人目は逃走中 Two suspects have been arrested, while a third remains at large. 被害者は年齢と状態によって 安定した状態から不安定な状態まで 夕方中に別々の事件で 刺された The victims, ranging in age and condition from stable to unstable, were stabbed in separate incidents throughout the evening. 警察当局は,調査の支援を目的として,公衆から追加情報を求めている. Police are seeking additional information from the public to aid in their investigation.