バングラデシュの研修医は,月額の高額手当のために抗議し,交通の混乱を招いた. Bangladeshi trainee doctors protest for higher monthly allowance, causing traffic disruptions.
バングラデシュの医師・外科医の大学 (College of Physicians and Surgeons) の研修医は,月給をTk 30,000からTk 50,000に増額することを要求して,火曜日からシャバグの交差点をブロックしている. Trainee doctors from Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons have been blocking Shahbagh intersection since Tuesday, demanding a raise in their monthly allowance from Tk 30,000 to Tk 50,000. 政府は以前、彼らの手当を25,000トルコクローネから30,000トルコクローネに増額しましたが、医師たちはまだ満足していません。 The government had previously increased their allowance from Tk 25,000 to Tk 30,000, but the doctors remain unsatisfied. 抗議活動が続くのは,要求が満たされるまでであり,交通の混乱を招いている. They claim that the current stipend is insufficient and are continuing their protest until their demands are met, causing significant traffic disruptions.