カリフォルニアの海岸で 珍しいサメを食べるオルカと 遊び心のあるCA51の群れが 捕鯨観察者を興奮させました Rare shark-eating orcas and playful CA51 pod spotted off California's coast, thrilling whale-watchers.
珍しい"オフショア"オルカは,80匹まで数多く,サメや大きな魚を食べることで知られており,2021年以来初めてカリフォルニア州モンテレー湾で目撃されました. Rare "offshore" orcas, numbering up to 80 and known for eating sharks and larger fish, were spotted in Monterey Bay, California, for the first time since 2021. 一方 親切なCA51群は 主婦CA51スターと 3匹の子孫を含む 2週間で2回カリフォルニアの海岸で目撃され 鯨観察者を喜ばせています Meanwhile, the friendly CA51 pod, which includes matriarch CA51 Star and her three offspring, has been sighted twice in two weeks off California's coast, delighting whale-watchers. このポッドは,舟で遊んだ遊び心で知られるが,約6年間,地元で見られなかった. This pod, known for its playful behavior with boats, hadn't been seen locally in about six years.