元中国公務員の劉・ユエジンは,福州裁判所で起訴を受け,贈収賄で起訴されている. Former Chinese official Liu Yuejin is indicted for bribery, facing charges in Fuzhou court.
麻薬規制局長を含む高官職に就いた元中国官員 劉岳は 賄賂の容疑で起訴されました Former Chinese official Liu Yuejin, who served in high-ranking roles including head of the narcotics control bureau, has been indicted for bribery. 最高人民法人劉は,自らの地位を利用して,他人の給付を受けようとするとともに,相当な金額の金銭と贈り物を違法に受け入れた. The Supreme People's Procuratorate alleges Liu used his positions to seek benefits for others and illegally accepted significant amounts of money and gifts. 事件は現在,福建省福州の中間人民裁判所で処理されています. The case is now being processed by the intermediate people's court of Fuzhou, Fujian Province.