元中国サッカー選手の劉一は11年の懲役,罰金50万ドルを罰金に処した. Former Chinese football official Liu Yi sentenced to 11 years for bribery, fined $500,000.
元中国サッカー協会事務局長は11年の懲役に服し,贈収賄で360万円(約50万円)の罰金に処した. Former Chinese Football Association Secretary General Liu Yi was sentenced to 11 years in prison and fined 3.6 million yuan (about $500,000) for bribery. 湖北省裁判所は 賄賂の罪に係る全ての資産を没収し 欠陥を追及するよう命じた. The court in Hubei Province also ordered the confiscation of all assets linked to the bribery charges, with any shortfall to be pursued. この判決は,中国がサッカーで汚職と闘おうと活動する中核である. This verdict is part of China's ongoing efforts to combat corruption in football.