27歳の女性がクリスマスイブにケベック市で自動車にぶつかって死亡した. A 27-year-old woman died after being hit by a car in Quebec City on Christmas Eve.
一 人 の 歩行 者 は , クリスマスイブ に ケベック 市 で 車 に 襲わ れ て 死亡 し まし た。 A pedestrian died after being struck by a vehicle in Quebec City on Christmas Eve. 事件は火曜の午後4時20分ごろに発生した. The incident occurred at around 4:20 p.m. on Tuesday. 27歳の歩行者が意識不明の状態で発見され,彼女を蘇生させる努力がなされたが,その後病院で死亡と宣告された. The 27-year-old pedestrian was found unconscious, and efforts to resuscitate her were made, but she was later pronounced dead at the hospital. 車 の 運転 手 も 病院 に 運ば れ , ショック を 受け て 治療 を 受け まし た。 The driver of the vehicle was also taken to the hospital and treated for shock. 警察の捜査は進行中です The police investigation is ongoing.