カリフォルニアの刑事正義改革は,生命の終焉を許し,安全上の懸念を発火させる. California's criminal justice reforms allow life sentences to be reduced, sparking safety concerns.
カリフォルニアの刑事司法改革は 提案57を含む "判決の真実"について懸念を喚起し 有罪判決を受けた犯罪者,たとえ当初 仮釈放なしの終身刑に処せられた者も,再判決され,釈放されるようにしています California's criminal justice reforms, including Proposition 57, have sparked concern over "truth in sentencing" as they allow convicted felons, even those initially sentenced to life without parole, to be resentenced and released. 例えば,殺人の判決を受けた17歳のジェレロ・ロペスは,新法により懲戒処分を受けた後に釈放された. For instance, 17-year-old Gerardo Lopez, sentenced for murder, was later released after his sentence was reduced due to new laws. オレンジ郡検察官 トッド・スピッツァーは この改革を批判し 公衆の安全を脅かす 不正義と戦うための ユニットを設立しました Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer has criticized these reforms, creating a unit to combat what he sees as injustices that endanger public safety.