キングズ・カレッジの職員は、偽の未成年者の詐欺に関与して、犠牲になった後,辞職する。 King's College staff member resigns after falling victim to a catfishing scam involving a fake minor.
キングズカレッジの職員は 15歳の少年との性交を ネットで交わした結果 辞任したが A staff member at King's College resigned after engaging in online sexual communication with what they believed to be a 15-year-old boy, but it turned out to be a fake identity in a catfishing scam. 警察は捜査したが,被害者の身元が本物でなかったため,犯罪行為は認められなかった. Police investigated but found no criminal action could be taken since the victim's identity was not real. スタッフは以前,未成年者とのオンライン上の不適切な行動を認めていた. The staff member had previously admitted to inappropriate online behavior with minors.