イギリスの大学ではビザの制限により留学生の数は2.3%減少し,中国人の学生は1.9%減少した. UK universities see a 2.3% drop in overseas undergrads due to visa restrictions, with Chinese students down 1.9%.
2024年,イギリスの大学に合格した海外留学生の数は2.3%減少した. The number of overseas undergraduate students accepted into UK universities has dropped by 2.3% in 2024, largely due to restrictions on bringing dependents and visa application reductions. また,中国人学生の入学率は1.9%減少しており,イギリスの大学は生徒の統合よりも収入を優先すると考えられている. Chinese student enrollment has also declined by 1.9%, with concerns that British universities are seen as prioritizing revenue over student integration. 高等教育政策研究所(Hepi)の報道では,中国人学生は言語上の障壁や「民族的分類」に直面している. The Higher Education Policy Institute (Hepi) reports that Chinese students face language barriers and "ethnic clustering," suggesting measures like a "buddy system" and improved on-campus accommodation to aid integration.