南中央エルパソで銃撃事件で1人が負傷 アラメダ南行きは警察が捜査中閉鎖 Shooting in South Central El Paso injures one; Alameda Southbound closed as police investigate.
12月8日日曜日,アラメダとセバダ通りの交差点付近で南エルパソで発砲が発生したが,午後2時30分ごろに重傷を負って病院に運ばれた人が一人いた. On Sunday, December 8, a shooting occurred in South Central El Paso near the intersection of Alameda and Cebada Street around 2:30 p.m. One person was seriously injured and taken to a hospital. エル・パソ警察は調査中です アラメダ・サウスは 一時閉鎖されました The El Paso Police Department is investigating, and Alameda Southbound has been temporarily closed. 容疑者又は動機に関する詳細は公表されていない. No details about the suspect or motive have been released. 捜査は進行中です。 The investigation is ongoing.