裁判官はサム・ディ・カルロの請求を否認し,財政問題や健康問題により法律免許の更新を申請した. A judge denied Sam Di Carlo's request to renew his law license due to financial and health issues.
裁判官は,ブリズバンの元弁護士サルバトーレ"サム"ディカルロの,未払いの税金と裁判所命令を含む,約64万ドルの債務を"無責任で無謀"に扱ったため,彼の実務証明書の更新の要求を拒絶した. A judge has denied former Brisbane barrister Salvatore "Sam" Di Carlo's request to renew his practising certificate due to his "irresponsible and reckless" handling of nearly $640,000 in debts, including unpaid taxes and court orders. ディ・カルロ(68歳)は、法廷侮辱罪と健康問題に対する4,000ドルの罰金を開示しなかった。 Di Carlo, 68, failed to disclose a $4,000 fine for contempt of court and health issues. クイーンズランド州弁護士会は,クイーンズランド州で法律を継続するために"適格で適切な人"ではないと主張した. The Bar Association of Queensland argued he was "not a fit and proper person" to continue practicing law in Queensland.