エミネムは母親の死後,アブダビF1グランプリで公演し,論争の的になった歌詞を省略した. Eminem performed at Abu Dhabi F1 Grand Prix after his mother's death, omitting a controversial lyric.
Abu Dhabi F1GPで演奏されたエミネムは、母親のデビー・ネルソンの死の直後だ。 Eminem performed at the Abu Dhabi F1 Grand Prix shortly after his mother Debbie Nelson's death. 69 歳 の デビー は 肺 ガン で 亡くなり まし た。 Debbie, 69, died from advanced lung cancer. エミネムは母親との緊張関係で知られていて "Without Me"の演奏中に母親に関する論争の的歌詞を省略した. Eminem, known for his strained relationship with his mother, omitted a controversial lyric about her during his performance of "Without Me." 過去の対立と短い和解にもかかわらず、デビーの死はエミネムからのより控えめな賛辞を促したようです。 Despite past conflicts and a brief reconciliation, Debbie's death seems to have prompted a more subdued tribute from Eminem.