CAのウッドブリッジで射殺の疑いで逮捕; 銃創で見つかった被害者. Man arrested on suspicion of murder after shooting in Woodbridge, CA; victim found with gunshot wound.
金曜日の朝,サン・ホアキン郡の ウッドブリッジで 銃撃事件の後に, 一人が殺人容疑で逮捕されました. A man was arrested on suspicion of murder after a shooting in Woodbridge, San Joaquin County, Friday morning. 警官は女を銃撃で発見した アカデミー街900番地で 真夜中後 Deputies found a woman with a gunshot wound in the 900 block of Academy Street after midnight. 容疑者は現場で拘留され,保釈なしで拘留され,裁判所は12月10日(火)に予定されている. The suspect was detained at the scene and is being held without bail, with a court appearance scheduled for Tuesday, December 10.