"否定" "擁護" "棄権" という言葉は マンハッタンで 保健局長を殺害した時の 銃弾にありました Words "Deny," "defend," "depose" found on bullets used in Manhattan murder of U.S. health CEO.
AP通信によると,米大型健康保険会社のCEOの殺害に使われた弾薬には,"Deny","Defend","Defred"とある. According to an Associated Press source, ammunition used in the killing of a CEO of a major U.S. health insurance company had the words "Deny," "defend," and "depose" written on it. マンハッタンで殺人が起こり 犯人はマスクを着けていた The murder took place in Manhattan, and the gunman was wearing a mask. 犯罪の動機は不明だが 捜査は継続している The motive behind the crime remains unclear, and the investigation is ongoing.