デリーでガスシリンダーの爆発で6人が負傷し,寺の近くの家が被害を受けた. Six people were injured in a gas cylinder explosion in Delhi, damaging a house near a temple.
デリーのナレラエリアで、金曜の朝にガスシリンダーの爆発で6人が負傷した。 Six people, including a teenager and three women, were injured in a gas cylinder explosion on Friday morning in Delhi's Narela area. 爆風はバワナロードのラクシュミ・ナラヤン・マンディール付近で発生し,家1階が破損した. The blast occurred near Laxmi Narayan Mandir on Bawana Road, damaging the first floor of a house. 被害者は全員ラジ・ハリシュ・チャンドラ病院に入院し,その後LNJP病院に移送された. All victims were admitted to Raj Harish Chandra Hospital and later shifted to LNJP Hospital. 爆発はガスシリンダーの漏れによって生じたと考えられており,調査は継続している. The explosion is believed to be caused by a gas cylinder leak, and investigations are ongoing.