ベルグラード・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団の 4人のミュージシャンが,ノビ・サドの屋根の崩壊を抗議する中で,車に突っ込まれて負傷した. Four Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra musicians were injured when a car plowed into their protest over a Novi Sad roof collapse.
ベオグラード・フィルハーモニー・オーケストラの4人のミュージシャンが金曜に負傷した。 1台の自動車が交通渋滞を乗り切り、先月15人死亡したノビ・サドの駅で屋根の崩壊に抗議していた。 Four musicians from the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra were injured on Friday when a car drove through a traffic blockade they were participating in to protest a roof collapse at a railway station in Novi Sad that killed 15 people last month. 67歳男性の運転手が逮捕された. The driver, a 67-year-old man, was arrested. この事件以来、毎日金曜に抗議や封鎖が行われ、何百人もの大学生が参加し、24時間封鎖を組織し、悲劇の責任を問う。 Protests and blockades have occurred every Friday since the incident, with hundreds joining, including university students organizing 24-hour blockades, demanding accountability for the tragedy.