サンフランシスコ近郊でルビー・プリンセス号のクルーズ船から72歳の男性が船から落ちた.捜索は進行中. A 72-year-old man fell overboard from the Ruby Princess cruise ship near San Francisco; search is ongoing.
72歳の男は,月曜日の朝,サンフランシスコに接近したルビー・プリンセスクルーズ船から落ちたとされている. A 72-year-old man is believed to have fallen overboard from the Ruby Princess cruise ship as it approached San Francisco on Monday morning. 船は5日間のメキシコ旅行を終えたばかりであった. The ship had just completed a five-day trip to Mexico. 米国沿岸警備隊,税関防と国境警備隊を含め,当局は,警備映像の捜索及び調査を行う. Authorities, including the U.S. Coast Guard and Customs and Border Protection, are conducting searches and reviewing security footage. クルーズ姫は家族に哀悼の意を表明し,捜査に協力している. Princess Cruises has expressed condolences to the family and is cooperating with the investigation. 当初は16日間のハワイ航海のために発足予定の船が遅れている. The ship, originally scheduled to depart for a 16-day Hawaiian voyage, has been delayed.