小売業者は冬が近づくにつれて電気毛布や暖房の投げ物に大きな割引をします. Retailers offer deep discounts on electric blankets and heated throws as winter approaches.
幾つ か の 小売 業者 は , 冬 の 間 , 電気 毛布 や 熱し た たた ん で かなり の 割引 を 行なっ て い ます。 Several retailers are offering significant discounts on electric blankets and heated throws for the winter. ウォーチャーには,Glowmaster Electric Fleece Blanketが£24.99 (72%オフ) で,デベンハムズは,スラムダウンダブルベッドスリーピーナイツ電気毛布を£35 (72%オフ) で,ネオワッフル形ヒートトローを£34.69 (68%オフ) で提供しています. Wowcher has a Glowmaster Electric Fleece Blanket for £24.99 (72% off), while Debenhams offers the Slumberdown Double Bed Sleepy Nights Electric Blanket for £35 (72% off) and the Neo Waffle Shaped Heated Throw for £34.69 (68% off). これらの製品には複数の熱設定があり,機械が洗えるので,エネルギー効率の良い暖房の代替品が一晩中温められる. These products come with multiple heat settings, are machine washable, and offer energy-efficient heating alternatives to keeping the house warm all night.