死体がサレムの焼失したマンションで発見され,火災の発生源は調査中である. A body was found in a burnt apartment in Salem; origin of the fire is under investigation.
セーラムの北東チェメタ通りにあるマンションで不審な火災が発生したため,土曜の早朝,38歳の男性の遺体が発見された. A suspicious fire in an apartment on Northeast Chemeketa Street in Salem led to the discovery of a 38-year-old man's body early Saturday morning. この火災は午前2時45分ごろに報告され,サレム警察暴力犯罪課とサレム消防署がこの事件を調査している. The fire was reported at around 2:45 a.m., and both the Salem Police Violent Crimes Unit and the Salem Fire Department are investigating the incident. 火の出所及び死因に関する詳細は,なおなお調査中である. Details about the fire's origin and the cause of death are still under investigation.