3歳の少年がバーミンガムの自宅で撃たれたが,容疑者は現場付近で逮捕された. A 3-year-old boy was shot in his Birmingham home; a suspect was apprehended near the scene.
3歳の少年が日曜の朝アラバマ州バーミンガムのマンションのマンションで寝室で撃たれた. A 3-year-old boy was shot inside his bedroom at an apartment complex in Birmingham, Alabama, on Sunday morning. 命の危険のある傷を負った児童病院へ搬送された子どもは、発砲の話を聞いた家族によって発見された. The child, who was taken to Children's Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, was found by family members who heard shots fired. 警察 は 現場 から 走っ て い た 男 の 人 を 追跡 し , 拘留 し , 銃 が 近く に ある の を 見つけ まし た。 Police chased and detained a man who was seen running from the scene, and a gun was found nearby. 捜査は進行中です。 The investigation is ongoing.